A Taste of Japan: Pure, Fresh, and Unforgettable.

Persimmon Leaf Sushi

SUSHI wrapped in leaves exists throughout Japan. Bamboo grass SUSHI in Hokuriku is one of the most famous examples.

Kaki No Ha Zushi (Persimmon Leaf Sushi) is a local dish of Nara, Ishikawa , and Wakayama Prefecture. It’s a sushi wrapped in a persimmon leaf pressed fish on sushi rice. We can eat this dish at sushi restaurants or shops in those local area.The shape and flavor are different from those of Nara, and each has its own characteristics. The reason for wrapping SUSHI in leaves is … to keep the rice from drying out, to be convenient for carrying, and to be able to dispose of the leaves immediately after eating.

Compared to NIGIRI-zushi, Kaki No Ha Zushi (Persimmon Leaf Sushi)  is made from mackerel or other fish that has been. The NETA is made of mackerel or other fish that has been salted and vinegared. 

The current form was created to balance the slightly salty NETA with SUSHI rice, which is sweetened with dashi (Japanese soup stock). Unlike Edo nigirizushi, Kaki No Ha Zushi (Persimmon Leaf Sushi)  is a type of oshizushi, but the main difference is that it is pressed for a longer than regular oshizushi. After the kakinoha leaves are rolled, they are laid out in special box and weight is placed on top. By applying force from above and from both sides for a long time, it can be the flavor is more easily absorbed. 

The aroma of persimmon leaves wafting through the air as you eat it is both a characteristic and an attraction. You can enjoy delicious sushi in many places, but the charm of Kaki No Ha Zushi (Persimmon Leaf Sushi) is that you can eat it while feeling the bounty of nature. It’s one of the charms of Japanese SUSHI culture.

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