A Taste of Japan: Pure, Fresh, and Unforgettable.


Akagai is a distinctive and prized  SUSHI Neta in Japan. 

šŸ£Taste and Texture

Akagai has a unique, slightly briny flavor with a hint of sweetness. The texture is firm yet tender, offering a satisfying bite that is different from many other shellfish. Its vibrant red color adds visual appeal to sushi presentations.


Akagai is typically served raw as nigiri. The ark shell is carefully cleaned and sliced to preserve its natural texture and flavor. It is often garnished simply to highlight its taste, sometimes with a touch of wasabi or a squeeze of sudachi.


Akagai is harvested from coastal waters, particularly in regions like the Yuriage in Japan. The quality of Akagai can vary depending on the season and location, with the best being harvested in winter and early spring.

šŸ£Nutritional Benefits

Akagai is nutritious and low in calories. It is rich in protein, iron, and other essential minerals, contributing to overall health and vitality.

šŸ£How to Enjoy

When eating Akagai sushi, a small dip in soy sauce can enhance its natural briny flavor. However, it’s often best enjoyed with minimal seasoning to fully appreciate its unique taste. The texture of Akagai can be enjoyed with each bite, providing a distinct experience compared to other shellfish.

Akagai is a unique and delightful addition to the sushi experience.